Monday, November 14, 2011


you got to stand up for the one who you expect to have your back when your dead. whoever it may be. this is way easier to type on a blog nobody reads then to do in day to day life. its so easy to be afraid of what people will think of you when you tell them you actually believe that the earth was made in six days and that a giant flood destroyed everthing and then re populated and then that God sent his son to be killed and then brought him back from the dead, and that you believe God can fill you with his spirit that threw it you can do miraculous things, and that your either with him or against him. and that you can live with him forever and ever if you just believe. well thats were ive been at lately, i dont want to deny who i believe in front of others anymore, and i need to stand up and have courage, i havent been doing the best job about it, but im going to keep trying and not give up, his love never fails. but i just want to encourage every to stand up for what they think and who they are, and not to let what the modern world tell you whats right and acceptable, becuase chances are the easier way is not the right way. In my personal beliefs i believe that the road to heavens a narrow one and few will find it. and chances are if most the world agrees with it, although most people would think its right, i would normally go with its wrong. these are just my thoughts and feelings im going threw right now and because its my blog i thought i would share.

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